Privacy Policy

On Friday 25th May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’) comes in to force, bringing major changes on how organisations process Personal Data and communicate with clients and contacts.

The privacy and trust of our clients and contacts is paramount to Assessment Solutions and we welcome the additional protection the Regulation gives to individuals and clients. We are dedicated to safeguarding the personal information under our remit and have developed a data protection regime that is effective and fit for purpose.

As part of our compliance with the Regulation, and to ensure we continue to fulfil our contractual obligations to service our clients in the best way possible, we have updated our Privacy Policy. This Policy contains information such as the types of data we may hold, why we hold it, where we obtain it and how long we may retain it.

The Assessment Solutions Privacy Policy (PDF) can be viewed here.

As a client of Assessment Solutions, you will continue to receive correspondence from us for the term of our engagement regarding the service we provide you.

Finally, if you have any queries about how Assessment Solutions is complying with the GDPR, please feel free to contact us by email to Urs Rytz at

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